Thursday, July 18, 2013

Burgers and Beer 5K Race Recap

The race is called Burgers and Beer 5K, so I think you can understand why I signed up??

Since the course and Universal Sole are just a short walk from my work I went ahead and picked up my packet in advance.  That was super easy since the store was deserted at lunch time on a Friday.  I noticed on race day that there was a rather long line for what I assume was race day packet pickup.

The race started on the Lakefront Path but Gear Check/Burgers/etc were all within Lakeshore East Park.  So there was a bit of a walk to the start.   Instead of being set up on an inner path it was set up on the outermost path RIGHT by the water.  They had some fencing set up but not enough at the start and then it ended maybe a 1/4 mile past the start.  So while there was still a crowd and jockeying for position there was NO fence.  I just stayed behind some slower girls because I did not want to get ANYWHERE near the edge.

Garmin Connect says temperature was 84 and felt like 90!!  I hate running in hot temperatures because at some point I always end up walking!  My body just overheats too quickly.  I need to work on hydrating myself during the day and not just while running.

So the course ran down the lakefront path right next to the lake and then turned inwards and had a really wide turnaround and then went to the path that runs along Columbus Dr. rather than the lake.  So it was a little bit more exciting than a true out and back.

I checked my Garmin and it was only at 2.8 miles but when I turned a quick corner I realized I could see the finish!   I took off sprinting and crossed the finish line at 29:22.  My Garmin however found the course to be short only measuring 3.01 miles!

My current 5K PR is 29:08 so even though 29:22 is fast for me and a 9:29 pace I was still disappointed!  I've been doing track workouts and was really hoping for some improvement!

I always find 5Ks to be tough because you are basically running at full speed the entire time.  There really is no time to slow and cruise like you can do with a half marathon or even a 10K!  I think I've run out too fast on every 5K I've ever run except for the Ravenswood 5K which I technically was not supposed to run because I hadn't been cleared by my doctor yet for my stress fractures.

The only had water at the finish probably because all the post race food was gathered in a separate area.  Once we cleared the finish line then we had to walk back over near Gear Check to enter the Burger/Beer Garden.  Everyone with bibs got wristbanded so we had to wait in a long line to get in.  Inside we then had to wait in the beer line, burger line and ketchup line.  So it took about 20ish minutes to get our food.  Besides burgers they had Sun Chips.  I didn't see any of the usual bananas/bagels etc.  They did also have veggie patties and cheese.

Our bibs had raffle tickets on it but the age group winners and announcements took so long that I gave up on waiting around for the raffle.  They should have had the raffle not require the winner being present!  I mean they have our bib numbers they know who we are!  Or have the raffle before the winners?  I never win an age group so I guess I don't really wait around for these ceremonies normally and not exactly sure how they are normally handled.

The race shirts are gender specific but the women's sizes seemed to run small and were made out of thin light yellow cotton.   I doubt I will wear this shirt ever.  I wish races would realize that they are missing out on a lot of free advertising with a crappy shirt!!!


  1. Woah! I didn't know this race existed, but even then, you're right that it has been HOT in the Chi this summer. Just unbearable until this week and lord am I enjoying these 70s!

    Congrats on the mile pace. That's awesome. Especially as someone who runs an 11:00 mile at the moment. I'm trying to work on my speed!

    eileen ragan | leaner by the lake

  2. I was running mainly 11:00s just a few months ago!! I just started incorporating track workouts. I'm going to do my first mile repeats tomorrow. SCARY!!!
