Friday, March 8, 2013

The aches and pains of marathon training

Hello All!

I have to admit this has been a tumultuous week of ups and downs for me both emotionally and physically!

Physically let's look how my week went!

Friday A.M. woke up in terrible pain, decided to go swim in order to shake it out!  Swimming actually made it feel better.  Went to physical therapy following still felt A LOT of pain in my posterior tib calf muscles!  BUT went through the work day feeling confident enough to go to the gym and see how many miles I could shake out on the treadmill.  Ended up with 7 miles!!!

Saturday A.M. was feeling a lil stiff but was trying to shake it out.  Actually headed towards my training group's meeting spot, but my legs just didn't want to run, in the few minutes I was outside my hands became completely numb, decided to head back home and try for 15 miles at the gym instead.  Went to the gym fully prepared with banana, GU chomps, water bottle and gatorade.  Decided to be flexible with my pace and go for 5 mile intervals basically.  Stopped to refill water eat etc. Every 5 miles.  At just under 3 hours I was done with my 15.  Watched A LOT of TV I would normally NEVER watch.  Immediately headed straight to the jacuzzi, after like 20 minutes of just not being able to move did some shake out swimming for about 20-30 minutes.  Honestly didn't feel as bad as I thought I would.  I ran from 12 minute to 11 minute miles I think I averaged 11:30 in the end.

Sunday Wacky 10K I'd signed up weeks ago and had been planning on it for a few months at least.  Let's just say this was probably my worst 10K ever.  Not because the time was slowest but because I just physically could not push myself.  My splits were 10:35, 11:21, 11:55, 11:36, 11:39, 12:01 and apparently the .2 was at 12:06 pace mainly because we had to run in the snow back onto the right uncleared path to get to the finish line that was covered in ice!!!  The only thing consistent about this run is I always seem to get a boost about 40 minutes into a run I call it my endorphin boost! 

Monday - Rest just went to swim and strength at night.  Some of the more bouncy strength moves my right leg was feeling hinky :(

Tuesday- Spin/Run brick.  This week's class started earlier at 5:30 I wasn't sure if we'd be adding the extra time to bike or run and it seemed like we added it to bike since we were still told to run for 20 minutes on the treadmill.  I always cheat and put in 2 miles so sometimes this takes longer than 20.  This right now is my one speed workout of the week, I start at 11:30 and just keep getting faster til I can't take it anymore/2 miles is up.  I felt great towards the end but damn did I hurt later in the day for this one!!!

Wednesday- Weights in the A.M. with Corbett!!!  I never do weights this was all new and totally fun to do with a friend we agreed to come back again Friday.

Thursday- Meetup group 4 miles the snow hindered us from finding a new path and we definitely were running slow, but still a great run with some great friends!!  In the P.M. I was determined to swim 50 laps and I did!!!  I even took breaths from both sides for the first time!!!

Friday- Weights in the A.M. with Corbett!!  We returned to some of the exercises that definitely made me sore from Wednesday!!  Went to PT and didn't feel any pain the whole time she was poking and prodding.  I felt so confident and then I met Jenny in the P.M. to run and well.  I just hurt everywhere.  After about the 1st half a mile or so I did feel way more warmed up.  But right now SORE AS HECK!!!

So tomorrow I am supposed to long run I am hoping for at least 18 miles.  But honestly I'm not sure right now if I could do it.  Off to foam roll and then bed. 

I know I'm doing a lot right now and I love pushing myself, but darn it kinda hurts!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day After 5K Lewes, DE Race Recap

This just be my very favorite race of 2012!!  Going into it I had NO idea what to expect.  I signed up MONTHS in advance.  Back when I wasn't even sure if I was going to continue running beyond my 1st 5K.  I didn't even actually know if I'd be back in DE by 12/22!  Not because it'd be the day after the end of the world, but because I never seem to be able to plan things months in advance because I literally never know what job or what city I'll be working on.

So I showed up at Cape Henlopen Beach in Lewes, DE for The Day After 5K at about 4:30 p.m. just as the sun was setting and it STILL didn't occur to me that we'd be running in the dark.  Or that I had to drive through a bunch of winding roads to packet pickup and none of it looked like a 5K course! 

Nope this wasn't a road race by the beach, this was a trail race through the sandy dunes/woods of Cape Henlopen State Park!  There were no lights on the course except for the few people that knew what they were doing and we wearing of of these.

About 100 of us were gathered trying to keep warm and hoping the race would start soon.  There wasn't even really an official start line that I'm used to, but I didn't mind, I was freezing and I really just wanted to run! 

For the next 3.1 miles we ran in pitch black.  It was basically single track so you had to run and keep up with someone in front of you, especially if they were wearing a head lamp!  It was tough, did I mentioned I'd just driven for 19 hours straight from Chicago to get there?! 

I remember seeing the 1st mile marker, but I never saw mile 2 or 3.  Basically all I could see was the back of the person in front of me!  There were low hanging branches, the terrain was a bit hilly, although fairly flat.  I could tell we were weaving back and forth but I never could be sure where I was headed. 

I started to get tired a bit and kind of settled in behind an older guy that was going a bit slow.  I needed a moment to catch my breath.  But my legs quickly recovered and I asked him how far he thought we had left.  He said he thought about 500 meters.  I actually have no clue how far 500 meters is but it sounded short so I just took off. 

Only to immediately find myself in the middle of a sandpit!  But I could hear the cheers ahead and see the lights of the finish line so I pushed through and then I was done!  I did it in 32:33 and 10:30 pace which at the time was a 3 minute PR! 

I really really hope that they schedule another race like this next year near the holidays so I can run it again.  Next year I might actually buy a head lamp!  Who am I kidding most of the fun came from NEVER knowing where I was going!!

Now I'm in search of some more night trail races, anyone know of any???

Please don't train for your first marathon without being fitted for shoes!!

Hello everyone!  I'm 8 weeks away from my very FIRST marathon!! 

For the past two weeks I was derailed by a silly first timer's mistake!  I didn't get fitted for new shoes.  Back in late October I realized the random Dillards clearance rack shoes I had been wearing were worn out and I desperately needed new shoes!  Thinking that all sneakers were created equal I wildly bought Pure Connects and Pure Flows from the Brooks Pure Project line solely based on the fact that Brooks are wildly viewed as an awesome running company! 

I tried on the Pure Flows and I was in love.  So much so that I HAD to get them in EVERY color!!!  They were bouncy and they were light and I felt like a real runner in these real running shoes. 

Now the Pure Project shoes are supposed to be a natural ride so they are super light and don't give much support.  If your running bio mechanics are good, then these shoes for you!  Obviously I thought I had great running bio mechanics!  I mean I'd been running for 5 whole months with no problems!  But it's not like I'd been running in front of any mirrors in order to be able to evaluate my own running stride.  And let's face it' I'm a notorious bad posture hunchbank.  Thinking I had GREAT running bio mechanics was a mistake but I'm not going to put too much blame on myself.  Anyways the Pure Flows felt great, the Pure Connects were ok for shorter runs!  Life was good! 

In November I started a half marathon training program.  I wasn't as consistent as I wanted to be in the training program because the holidays interrupted a lot but I tried to get in at least 4 days of running when I could.  I was feeling so great getting an 11 minute PR in the F^3 Half Marathon that I went ahead signed up for Marathon training! 

Of course this not only coincided with January New Years Resolutions and February Begin the Real Resolutions but also real snow fall in Chicago.  I was doing a lot of snow running and the whole time I kept saying well at least my calves are getting a workout!

I kept saying that basically until a day I could barely stand the pain, but luckily I had a Physical Therapy appt previously schedule.  I mentioned to my PT that my calves were in pain and she quickly got to work figuring out exactly which muscle was hurting.  Well all the tweaking and poking and massaging had me in tears because of the pain!  And my PT was worried I might have a stress fracture.  She got me worried too and she pleaded with me to go and get new shoes. 

I literally have 5 pairs of these Pure Flows and Pure Connects that are barely used and she's asking me to get new shoes?  To spend $90-$150 on yet ANOTHER pair?   And right before the Chicago Marathon was opening up registration for the mere cost of $175?!  Yeah you can guess who didn't get shoes that week. 

For the next two weeks I was scared to run and I wasn't running.  Other activities like Spin and Swim were fine on my calves, but the minute I stepped on a treadmill I was in PAIN.  And mentally I was scared to death of getting a stress fracture!  Plus the weeks were counting down and my marathon was getting closer and closer!!

I bet you can guess what I finally did on Friday PayDay?  Yeah I showed up at the running store after work to get fitted for my first real pair of running shoes.  And guess what?!  I'm not as bio mechanically perfect as I had figured i must be!  In fact I am an overpronater and I need shoes with support!

I tried on a few styles and finally settled on the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 13

Yes they cost me about $110, and yes it kinda hurt to shell out the cash.  Especially since the sales guy told me to through away all my Pure Project shoes!  He doesn't even want me to wear them for long runs! 

This past week I've eased back into running and I'm proud to report that I just finished MY VERY FIRST 15 MILE RUN!!!  And I couldn't be happier.  Yes I still do have some calf pain, but I can definitely feel the difference in my shoes. 

So I beg of you, if you are going to train for something and put all that time and effort in it you might as well invest in a pair of shoes that are specifically recommended for you!